“With the lyricism of his sculptures, characterized by an evocative play of  matter and void, Romolo Del Deo is protagonist of a poetic synesthetic synergy. It is his unique method of working that creates the unusual  effect of time, and makes the artworks look like they were excavated from some ancient underwater archaeology site. They are poetic and  ethereal in their appearance, but green in their creation.”
- Dr. Melanie Zefferino, Curator G7 of Art, Florence, Italy, 2017

“Reinvigorating ancient techniques, Romolo’s art seems to explore the  idea that the past haunts the present through fragments. In this way, his  work speaks to us from a place that feels familiar and yet also distant  and elevated in times past.”
 - Mignon Nixon, Courtauld Institute of Art, London

"Sculptor Romolo Del Deo puts a contemporary spin on classical forms.  He mixes up bronze casts with dune sand and driftwood. Many of the  works look like the shed skins of ancient Greek statuary, thin and torn.  The texture is gritty and scumbled with the artist’s marks. In Del Deo’s  works, beauty erodes, but the erosion itself is captivating.” 
- Cate McQuaid, Boston Globe 

“Romolo Del Deo’s sculpture reflects the markings of the ancient world, which is our own. His sculpture also depends upon what is suggested by absence as well as upon the parts of the image that we can see, and there is a pervasive, inescapable poetry, in these broken beautiful icons.”
- Mark Doty, Poet Laureate and Art Critic