“I am dedicated to the idea of rethinking, reimagining and upcycling the sustainable, resilient imagery and methodology from the ancient past to speak to the present. The era of 20th Century fast, momentary, disposable ‘now’ art & culture does not respond to the needs of a shrinking planet. I am focused on creating enduring, sustainable, ‘long art' for the new millennium." - Romolo Del Deo

The sculpture of Romolo Del Deo is preoccupied with two major aesthetic sources of inspiration: a fascination with the artifacts washed up upon the ocean shores of his native Provincetown and a natural affinity with the archeological ruins of his Italianate background and training. Mining the rich visual language of his influences, he creates sculptures that seem part ancient ruin, part driftwood sea wrack, yet distinctly contemporary. While everyone else was racing to define the moment, Romolo dedicated himself to an art that expressed the eternal.